Big words for Big Kids Book Club

Do you have a child in an older grade and want to improve their English as a second language?

Do you want to improve yours?

Enjoy this free and fun book club for improving your language comprehension. I love books and reading. I fell in love with reading, by hearing my mother read aloud to me every night. To this day, I love to listen to audiobooks.

As a child my mother would not only read children's books, she would read higher level literature as well, everything from Shakespeare to Ann of green gables. When you hear someone read, you can really stretch your understanding of many words that you did not previously know.

Unlike movies that help us through the images, the next step is to learn through listening. Work to imagine the descriptions of the characters and really absorb the language.

This months Book is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone

Harry Potter book club for kids English second language

Begin with Chapter 1

From 0:00 - 31:54


1. What is the Dursley's family's Greatest fear?

2. How are the Dursley's and Harry Potter related?

3. Where do the Dursley's Live?

4. Who is the cat?

5. Fill in The Blank Harry Potter the boy who ______

I hope you enjoy this week's chapter

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